
Lucky #7

The American Academy of Pediatrics decreed "sleeping through the night" as anything over a 5 hour consecutive block of time. I don't know about you, but I hardly consider that "sleeping through the night." I find it better than three hours between meals, but not quite enough to say we're all sleeping perfectly.

Last night, however, we had a really good stretch - if only I had bothered to go to bed when M did and not use some of the time to proofread a paper for work. Hey, I figured she'd up shortly to eat so why not use the time constructively. :) Instead, she fooled me. Instead she went for 7 hours between meals. S-E-V-E-N hours at 5 weeks old. She napped late in the day. She woke about 7-ish to eat and then played a bit. She ate again at 9pm and drifted off into a nice slumber. I worked until 11 and decided that she'd been going 5 hours for about a week so I was safe to crawl into bed then and get some sleep before our 2 am rendevous. Instead M woke me at 4 am. That is SEVEN hours if you're not keeping score.

Being a well-rested girl, Megan decided she didn't need MORE sleep. I mean, really, who would. ;) She stayed up for about an hour just smiling and cooing at me as if to tempt me into conversation. It worked. We chatted. At 5am I really started thinking it'd be nice to get her back to sleep so I could have some time with just Logan when he awoke - the best way to avert a cranky morning. I put her to my shoulder and ignored the cooing (which was hard) I rocked and patted her back. I sang softly. She drifted. I crawled back into my bed just before 6am figuring the little guy would be calling within minutes and I was merely keeping my toes warm under the covers. Instead M started to fuss at 7am. I brought her car seat and her to my room and rocked it gently for a few moments. The two of us drifted back to sleep. Little man woke me at 8am. That's the latest he and I have gotten to sleep in, well, geez, I forget how long. He NEVER sleeps that late!

Keep your fingers crossed that we can do this again tonight. Only tonight I won't work. Tonight I will sleep too.

1 comment:

Cath said...

WTG Megan!
I'm so pleased that she's starting to sleep more for you at night. Hopefully it will get longer and longer.
My son is amazing at sleeping through the night now. At 11 months old he sleeps from 7pm to 8am!