Carmi has been talking about color in his recent posts. Starting with a bold display of yellow and moving to the more subtle tones of tea. Perhaps it's these observance, or perhaps it's the grey sky and rain that covers my town today - either way, I find myself standing at the front door at staring at the row of tall, full red tulips. They now dwarf the once vibrant and dominate daffidols that inhabit the same bed. The yellow daffidols are starting to shrivel and fade. Those that are left are no match for the full velvety red.

I'm tired. I've not been sleeping well - I never do when Bruce travels. I tend to stay up too late trying to find time to unwind without my two shawdows. And despite all my hard wished wishes, I still end up rising early with the two little red heads.
The rain is needed yet when we've got errands to run and energy to burn it starts to become depressing. The house starts to feel confining. The mood starts to feel as drab at the sky.
The kids are tired too. Meg hardly napped and Logan's extra hour of sleep this morning hardly seemed to make up for going to bed the hour late last night for his "special" time. (Something I started this trip. He gets one night a week that Dad's away to be up after his normal bed time once his sister goes to sleep.) They're punchy. They're whiney. They're clingy.
We've cleaned the house and fixed up the rooms. Logan's room has long looked like the tornados he's been reading about lately have hit his room. Much to his dismay, we cleaned it. It took the presence of the "away box" to get his butt in gear.
We need a splash of color in our world today. We need to remember the bright and happy.
We'll rely on the red right outside our door:

I liked this post!
I like your header picture.
I like your pictures.
I like Carmi, too. He always makes you think about things.
I don't sleep well either.
here via Michele's...glad I stopped by!
Hi- I'm here today via Michele. I'm really enjoying your little corner of the web here.. When the tulips come up by my front door in spring I often ask myself why on earth did that red one get planted in with the pinks and yellows?? Now I know..
I just love tulips and so many have been posting pics of them on their blogs! I came across some pretty pinky-peachy ones last weekend and put a pic of them up. It is nice to have that bold color egging us into motion after a drowsy winter. Love your blog!
Here from Michele's!
Here from Michele.
We have storms, lightening, rain, dark.
We don't have any tulips in the yard but yellow iris, purple lilac and one newly opened red rose.
Ah, yes, and two baby robins in the holly bush out front.
Beautiful photo
s and I too love all that color. Sorry you haven't been sleeping well....I hope you all get better sleep tonight!
love the pics! I never sleep well when Jem is out of town. I don't know if it is because I take advantage of the quiet when the kids go to bed or if I'm just putting off getting into the big bed all alone. A little of both I think.
Ah the loved lack of sleep how I know it well.
Try wearing a bright yellow sponge bob t-shirt. Become your own sunshine & the kids will love it!
I got a gift yesterday for Admin Professionals day or whatever they call it now (I remember when it was secretary's day!). It was wrapped up in a bright yellow, sparkly bag with flowers on it...and the bag alone just cheered me up! Hi, Michele sent me :-)
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