Normally I'd wait another day or two to dye the eggs yet with the big trip looming, we opted to get those things colored tonight so Daddy would be home to help.
We started out with 2 dozen eggs. I had decide we'd aim for a good 18 dyed Easter eggs. We'd leave some with Grandma and some here but in the end, each kid ought to get enough joy out of 9 eggs each. I boiled 18. 3 cracked in the pot. Three cracked getting out of the pot. To hell with it, we'll go with 12 eggs total.
Megan refused her smock. We settled on a too big t-shirt. She got the concept of egg coloring. She just wanted to toss all her eggs in one basket quite -- literally. We had her convinced to split her six between various color pots. She was fine until she ran out of eggs. She began redying. She dropped one and demolished it.
Down to 11 eggs.
Logan was into the multi-color dip process. Not half an egg here and half there. Nope, whole egg making the color rounds. We decided to try two eggs in the tie-dye process. Eggs in the colander. Splash (read: drench) in vinegar. Drip liquid food coloring on the eggs. Swirl lightly and let sit for 30 seconds. Repeat 1-2 more times (or 3 in Logan's case). When the last color sets, rinse with cool water. Then air dry on a towel. Or, if you're me, wipe them down with Bounty and call it a day.
He left me to dry his creations so he could dip a few eggs over again. He was admiring one. He dropped it.
Left with 10 eggs.
Ten eggs for Easter plus two tie-dyed Mommy hands:

Sounds like you had fun, of sorts!
Love the multicoloured hands, maybe it could be a new fashions statement?!!
Hello, Michele sent me.
Isn't funny how every kit tells you it is "mess free" and evey one is messy. If you put a touch of vinegar in the water when you boil the eggs they don't crack as easily.
Here from Michele.
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