That is, unless, you have a preschooler in the house that is worshiped by the aforementioned toddler. If you do and if he's not also dealing with a bad-mood inducing head cold, you may have hope.
You might lean over and whisper quietly, "Can you do me a favor." You'd tell him about the game he could play on the computer in his room with his sister perched at his side. He's nod and smile. He'd understand a) the game is fun, b) it's nice to help Mommy sometimes.

They'd keep playing even though you were out and in their way. The toddler would be over her general crank and malaise. She'd be tackling her brother and begging him for hugs. They'd settle in around the train table. She'd be sweetly pushing Thomas around the tracks. He'd start bouncing Percy - loud, banging hops.
She'd stop moving. She'd look at him and shake her head. She'd start to wrinkle her nose in the way she does when she's about to scold him good.
"No! Woden Daniel. You have to chugga your choo choo!"
Then you'd leave the room because there was no controlling your laughter. No chance at all.
That is so adorable. Corey is a big Thomas fan too and i can easily bribe him to play quietly with his trains. Hope the runny nose doesnt last!
He tried to install an IM program?!
Chugga choo choo, indeed! Loved this!
HOW SWEET! These are the moments to remember...
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