Logan headed back to school this week. This makes me very happy because I finally stop answering the question, "Is it time yet? Can I go to school?" Now I can start answering, "How many more sleeps until I see Mrs. D?" I really hope he never loses this passion for the classroom. (If you're wondering, as Daddy had, what in the world Logan is doing with his hands - that'd be two thumbs up for school.)

The very next day we began life as a soccer family. Logan had a blast for the first 35 minutes - 30 of instruction and 5 of a game. Then the coach decided a few other kids needed a turn on the field and Logan had to wait on the sidelines until he was called back in. The first bench warming went well enough. The second? Not so much. Grandma is blaming the boy on the team that cried the entire hour we were there. She thinks he set the mood. Grandma's are fun.

Fresh (or not so fresh as the case may be) off of soccer, the family headed over to the party store. We had balloons to retrieve and a party to throw. Although her birthday is Tuesday, Meg is pretty much done with the whole 'year older' thing now that her little party and that pile of gifts is behind her. (We blame the rotten quality of the photo on the fact that someone - I'm not saying who - forget to tell the photographer he had to manually open the flash in order for it to go off inside.)
If you ask Megan how old she is you might be surprised. "I am eight," she could say with utter distain that you dare ask a lady her age.
One day, however, she surprised Grandma and told a lady at the store her real age. Grandma, in some bit of shock perhaps, said, "I thought you were eight? That's what you usually say."
Megan sighed and said, "No, I just two. I *want* to be eight."
I am so sunk when she's a teenager, aren't I?

The Uncle and Aunt-in-waiting gave Megan a certificate to Build-A-Bear. She's been there once before and she loved it. When we suggested a certificate to The Uncle he rolled his eyes. We reminded him he didn't have to go make a bear, just send Megan to do so.
It's apparently an immature male response. Logan wanted to buy Meg's Ribbit (the frog she made last time we went) an outfit as a birthday gift. Grandma took him in. He picked out exactly what would look good, helped pay and then handed Grandma the bag to carry.
"I can't be seen with this!" he said in horror. "THAT is a girl store."

About a month ago Megan started picking out outfits from a catalog for "Baby" - her American Girl Bitty Baby. She found the one she wanted and told her grandmother to buy that. After correcting the behavior that would have sent Miss Manners into convulsions, we created the "birthday list."
The list grew and included specifically assigned items. Grandma had two - Baby's outfit and a blue dress. Grandma, being a good spoiling sort of Grandma, looked high and low for a blue dress. Finding none she settled on a demin skirt and a shirt that honestly and perfectly described Megan.
We told her once what it said. Meg smiled. We dressed her in it today for her very first day of 'real' Sunday School. She walked into her two year-old class for crafts and stories. She came home carrying both her worksheet and her project in her hands. She refused to change out of her little outfit for our trip to make her dog (and get it's bed, and it's puppy...and it's bowl.) I stuck her in a tree out front to take her annual black-and-white photo.
"Do you know what that shirt says?" I asked her as she began to quip a series of humorous and yet twerpy remarks. I switched over to the digital camera for a few 'just because I can' photos.
"Yes," she said with a big smile. "My shirt says Cute and Sassy. That's me! I cute. I sassy."
Michele sent me out on the lake to see you, Sandy.
That picture in the party store is quite nice, Sandy. I'm not sure what you don't like about it but I sure do think that's one nice looking girl. And I'm not talking about Megan. :-)
I was at a couple of soccer games this weekend as well. I might put up a few pictures later this week. I never realized how difficult it is to get good action shots at a soccer game. They just don't stay in one place very long, do they?
What adorable children! I miss those days! I really enjoyed your blog..
What fun! I hope that the soccer season brings a lot of fun and that your daughter always thinks she's cute and sassy.
Loved reading your blog. Your kids are precious. Too bad your daughter isnt 8, especially being a fan of Build-a-bear because they are having a sweepstakes to win a chance to be apart of the next Alice productions movie. Glad she had fun at Build-A-Bear though, i think that store is really cute.
Cute pics!
We're BAB addicts! Louisa has the husky, I have the frog... we have so many of them!
It's my little pick me up, having a bad week, let's go to BAB! Ok, an expensive pick me up!
I'm glad Logan is happy to be back in school. So are my two! Drew's class has 4 daily helpers and he's dying to be the table washer some day. So hey, easy solution, I let him do it at home! "It's not the same, Mom!"
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