We piled in the 'Mommy van.' We drove to the little park on the Bay in the next Borough - which is a mere 5 miles if that from our front door. The kids played on the swings and various park equipment. I stood next to the small butterfly garden off one corner of the play area.
Megan joined me. First telling me, "Butterfly scared me flying by my head." Then she discovered what I had - the beauty, the peace, the calming and yet at the same time, the exciting impact of their fluttering and attacking the various flowers for a meal. We took a lot of photos. (Of course I'm already plotting which to frame and where to hang them.)
This was the same place I managed to snag some of my favorite floral photos a few months ago - the same ones that are now part of a framed grouping of floral shots hanging over Meg's bed. It's quickly become my favorite place to photograph anything other than my children. . .although I tend to photograph them there as well.
My guess is everyone with a mild passion for photography has such a place as well. Where is yours?

Wow!! Great photos!!! I can see why you want to frame them!
Michele sent me.
Hi Sandy from Michele's meet and greet. Beautiful beautiful photos. My favorite subject for photography is flowers!
I don't get there often, but I love the farmer's market.
Lovely! Such pretty detail.
I'm not much of a photographer, but when I do take pictures it seems to be of buildings.
Here from Michele's today!
Great butterflies and good your kid's getting an appreciation for them.
Yep, I have a mild passion for photography too and a few framed.
Glad to see you back at Michele's meet and greet. Been a while.
Whoops, signed with the wrong blog address. Does it matter? I was at Michele's this time with the new foodie one, so I should sign with it I guess.
the fishing boat pic hits me every time - we have missed you at michele's
Gorgeous photos!!! I love taking pictures, but need to make sure I have my camera with me more often.
Here via michele!
I love those, especially the one on the bottom!
Beautiful pics, Sandy!
Boy, did I miss your site while I was computerless! Your photos and commentary always make me smile. I don't have a favorite place for photography yet, as I've only been here for 3 or so weeks...but I'm sure I'll find a place soon!
Michele sent me today.
Great pictures. I haven't been into photography since highschool yet I have a really nice 35MM pentax and a fairly good 7MP digital.
Hi, Michele sent me!
I always enjoy coming to see your posts... This one is no exception. Butterflies are amazing, aren't they?
As for my favorite subject matter, I never tire of looking at the incredible summer cloud formations in Florida.... I don't photograph them often (my husband is the photographer) but I do love them!
Beautiful photos! I rarely photograph anything other than my children... maybe I should stop and look around once in a while.
I carry my camera everywhere. And the most favorite place is every where. I never know what I may want to photograph. The crackes in a side walk a funny sign or beautiful clouds, trees, flowers. There is so much to see & enjoy-always.
What a beautiful pictures...
Kind regards from The Netherlands!
Gorgeous Butterflies! Really enjoyed these photos. Keep shooting!
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