We are now on the other side of 100+ degree heat indexes. Work on the patio can begin again. (Photo was taken on Sunday afternoon. Nearly 2/3 of the project was complete as of Monday evening. Yesterday was a non-work sweltering day.)
We are now on the other side of the beat-ya-up job. I've got six days of work related email bliss to relish in. (The below photo just yells "work" to me - something I do not have to do for the next six days - did I mention that?)

We are on the other side of Meg's reluctance to swim in the pool. I guess the water is warm enough now. She jumps into the water now - as long as someone is there to catch her. She puts her face in. She blows bubbles in the water. She splashes. She floats. She kicks. She's a little fish...or mermaid. Take your pick.
We are now on the other side of Logan's first Vacation Bible School stint. He's already started asking if this means school starts yet or if he can attend Star Club now. Star Club is the Pre-K/Kindergarden equivalent to Youth Group at our church. They meet once a week for crafts, stories, songs and snacks. Who knew he'd be so excited for it. (This photo is Logan in the tie-dye shirt they made at VBS as he writes in with his "school supplies". Who knew hours of enjoyment could be had so cheaply thanks to Back-to-School sales?)

1 comment:
we're not on the other side of the heat...right in the middle of it. ick. (well, not so bad if you have the pool)
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