
blogger ate my homework

I had this nice update all typed out yesterday. I even spellchecked and read it for obvious gross grammatical mistakes. Then I hit "Publish Post" and it disappeared into oblivion. In the past when I get the adorable error screen about not finding the web page my post is still magically saved somewhere on blogger even though you can't read it. Not this time - this time my words are in a black hole somwhere.

Ahhh, but oh well. To be honest its probably for the best as I wasn't all too keen on that old post anyway. Gives me a blank slate without having to delete the last one personally.

The news - I'm not offically out sort of out of work on leave - kind of. Sort of. I'm self-employed, more or less. I have one client, my former employer who I never actually fully returned to after my last maternity leave. I work in their office two days a week and then complete other tasks as needed from home. The job itself is good - the boss is, well anyway. I go into my 36 week check-up and all is well. I bring up work planning on asking how long I should do the 40 or more minute commute each way twice a week and all that glorious stuff that goes with my office environment. Long story short, I shouldn't do it past this past Tuesday. I got the OB to ok me working from home, but no more into the office for me. Whopee!!! I have to call on Monday to set up a time to speak with immediate supervisor about projects I should be doing now. At least working from home means less time interacting with the big boss - the...ahh, well never mind.

There is so much more twirling through my head right now, but I'm getting tired. Perhaps I'll write more later - I'll be up late waiting for B's plane to land and the limo to bring him home anyway. I'll need a good time waster and as far as I can tell I don't even have Law and Order reruns tonight. Drat!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

LOL! Actually, that's exactly what I did - watch "What Not to Wear." THere are some days I'm so desperate for a new wardrop I almost thing its worth finding my most awful pieces of clothing to wear for a spell and turn myself in. ;) $5000 to spend in top notch stores. Hmmmm....sign me up.